Liturgical and Music Ministries

Liturgical Ministries

Sacristan: Set up and clean up the sacred vessels for weekend liturgies.
Lector: Study, pray with and practice in order to proclaim the Word of God to the congregation during Mass.
Eucharistic Minister (Confirmed): Distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to congregation during Mass.
Cross Bearer (Grade 3 and up): Begin the procession at the beginning and end of Mass by caring the cross.

Altar Server (Grade 3 and up): Support congregational prayer by assisting the priest at weekend Mass.
Gift Bearer: Bring the gifts of bread and wine to the altar during Preparation time at Mass.

Environment Committee: Prepare and decorate the worship space for liturgical seasons.

Liturgical Hospitality Ministries

Greeter: Extend warm greetings to those attending weekend Mass.
Assist in greeting those attending weekend Mass, deal with special situations during Mass and help with collections and communion procession.

Music Ministries
Help enhance our sung prayer by serving as cantor, choir member or instrumentalist for weekend and feast day Masses and special liturgies.

Contact the Parish Office if you are interested in any volunteer ministries.